Easy to clean the body from parasites

The absinthe to the pharmacology and the traditional medicine first means in diseases of the liver, biliary tract, gall bladder, rupture of the work of digestion. However, in the people — it is also a folk remedy for worms. What are the parasitic diseases deal with absinthe?


Anthelmintics are properties of absinthe

What are the therapeutic properties of parasites of absinthe?

  • A Vermifuge. The high content of bitterness in the herb gives it anthelmintic properties.
  • Excretory systems. These bitterness to stimulate the secretion of the gall bladder, to normalize the intestinal flora, the work of digestion, which is often disrupted when the worm infestation.
  • A depurative. This herb acts as an agent of detoxification of the tool, cleanses the body of toxins and waste products of parasites (anti-enzyme).
  • A tonic. During the helminthiasis suffers greatly the immune system. Thanks volatile, and vitamins mugwort strengthens the body's defenses.

The basic principles of the treatment

How is the cleaning of the organism against the parasites? An integrated approach is necessary in the treatment. It is made up of these types of drugs:

  • absorbent and probiotics;
  • anthelmintic;
  • cholagogues;
  • the tread (repair the cells of the liver);
  • laxatives.

Also important vegetarian diet and drink plenty of fluids during the treatment period.

The therapy is done in 4 steps:

  1. The preparation of the body. You can drink flax seed or pumpkin, oil sorbents for the removal of toxic substances from the body.
  2. Anthelmintic and antihistamines. This may be the strong drugs, which often give a side effect and inhibit the microflora healthy. Recently, the use of the flora anthelmintic means broad-spectrum, use of more in addition to wormwood, tansy and cloves. Antihistamines help to relieve an allergic reaction to the toxins secreted by the parasites.
  3. The pumpkin seed oil
  4. Laxatives. To clean the intestines of toxins after the collapse of the parasites.
  5. The restoration of the functions of the organs of digestion, and the immune system. Are appointed cholagogues, enzymatic, tread, immunostimulatory means. Rehabilitation after worm infestation is very important. Is not less important from the control treatment and, if necessary, the course of the therapy.

It is important to take the absinthe of parasites in the body of the man, so you don't get a strong intoxication, poisoning products of life and decay of earth worms. Therefore, it is not recommended to self-medicate. You must define the type of parasitic infection, to pass the necessary tests, and only after that, the doctor prescribed a full course of treatment.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis

Opisthorchiasis — the defeat of the verses of the biliary tract and of the pancreas. The infestation is dangerous and can become chronic. This leads to the threat of an acute inflammation of the liver, biliary tract, the gallbladder, the risk of rupture of the bile duct and the development of cancer. We Can also develop asthma and pneumonia. The sagebrush of opisthorchiasis often included in herbal tea, you drink it with tansy, thyme, clover, st. john's wort, a grove of aspen bark, pumpkin seeds. In the official medicine mugwort against opisthorchiasis does not apply to the flora of the means of first choice. When the diagnosis is prescribed strong synthetic anthelmintic of the tool.

The treatment of giardiasis

These protozoa single-celled — when you stay in the human body. Giardia multiply in the small intestine, but iup, often, travel to other organs as the liver, the gallbladder. The parasites cause inflammation in these organs, obstructing the bile ducts. Despite an impressive diagnosis — the "parasites in the liver" — giardiasis is treated with success, the liver is completely restored. However, to reveal the sometimes difficult, because the symptoms of this disease are similar to signs of diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL organs, giardiasis often becomes chronic. The sagebrush of giardia give a curative effect only when the more strict regime, with the exception of sweet.

The infusion of wormwood

The absinthe of giardiasis may take in the pure state. But for a greater therapeutic effect to take with other vermifuge herbs tansy, with Ledum, striped, celandine, buds of birch, the air, gentiana, shoots of pine and aspen trees, the st. john's wort, nuts.

The treatment of ascariasis and enterobiasis

With the help of decoctions and infusions of tarragon successfully excreted pinworms (enterobiasis) and roundworm (ascariasis). The herb is taken orally in the form of alcohol infusions and decoctions. Herbal teas and water infusions do an enema to clean the colon of parasites. In decoctions for ingestion often add crushed pumpkin seeds and garlic. You can meet revenue mikroklizm of earthworms on the basis of absinthe with the addition of the onion and the garlic. These tools can injure the tender mucous membrane. And when the ulcerative colitis, the inflammation of the rectum, hemorrhoids, such treatments are contra-indicated.

The schema and rules of admission polini

In the first place, it is necessary to identify the type of worm infestation and the stage of the infection. This is can be a doctor. Also, it is important to remember that the holistic approach in the treatment. Without absorbent, antihistamines, enzymes, laxatives, medicines for the action of the wormwood may not be as effective.

  • How to take wormwood for parasites before meals or after? All the anthelmintic tools take 30 to 40 minutes before meals. Also recommended to take the grass in the evening, before bedtime.
  • The frequency of reception and treatment. There are patterns of treatment, when the infusions take twice in the morning and in the evening on the ¼ of a cup. But you can divide them into 4 servings per 2 tablespoons. The course of treatment of absinthe should not exceed two weeks. But worm infestation of the purification of the body can last months under the supervision of a doctor.

Features of the application in children

Is it safe to wormwood for the children? Perhaps, the grass will bring less harm to the body of the child, that the synthetic anthelmintic drugs. However, we must not forget the toxicity of the wormwood and the age of the counter-indications. Only a doctor can prescribe this herb to children.

  • Wormwood giardia children. It is known that children more often than adults are infected by the giardiaseom. This is due to a breach of the hygiene, living on the street (a game sandbox and more open and contact with the outside world. There is a physiological reason: in children, the acidity of the stomach is much lower than in adults, which is why the chance to survive in giardia is much higher. There is a third reason — the children love the sweet, and it is also the food for the reproduction of these parasites. The absinthe when the giardiasee in children is useful in the treatment of the.
  • Wormwood is welded into the cup
  • The absinthe during pinworms and ascarids. These parasites, when you can stay in the body of the child. And infusions of sage well come to the end. But for the success of the treatment, you need to take the herb republic exchange several times to take the stool analysis enterobiasis and ascariasis. Also it is important to follow the treatment period to the hygiene of the premises, laptop, and bed linens, to make a preventive treatment of the entire family.

In adults, the treatment of the grass can last up to 1 month. Prolonged use and overdose can lead to side effects. The most frequently gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, diarrhea, constipation, bloating. Violations on the part of the nervous system: convulsions, tremors, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. We can't exclude an allergic reaction to the grass, in the form of hives and itching.

Cooking recipes of the tincture, infusion and decoction

The application of absinthe to earth, to humans, can be in different dosage forms, in the form of infusion, decoction, alcohol tincture, powder. As already mentioned, often wormwood to take in the collection with other herbs anthelmintic action.


How to drink absinthe of parasites in the liver? To do this, advise to prepare the fresh herbs. The processing is carried out under the vegan diet, with the exception of meat, fatty foods.

Infusion of gathering herbs:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of tarragon, helichrysum, yarrow, st. john's wort, of buckthorn, chamomile, oak bark.
  2. Pour ½ litre of boiling water.
  3. Leave a thermos for 8 hours.
  4. The strain.

Take the collection to an empty stomach once per day per ¼ cup. The course of the purification of a duration of 10 days, after which is a pause of 3 to 5 days, then the course is repeated.


The broth can be taken internally, as well as the use for the cure of enemas. Advise to prepare decoctions of all the days, so that they remained useful to the bitterness.

The recipe broth

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of herbs.
  2. The absinthe liqueur
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  4. Boil it or keep it in a bain-marie for 5 minutes.
  5. Let stand for half an hour.

Take ½ cup 3 times per day.


Alcoholic tincture of earthworms can prepare not only the grass, but the seed of the wormwood. This dosage form is convenient, can be stored, it can be calculated at a long-term treatment.


  1. Take 1 tablespoon of dry herbs.
  2. Pour in 5 c. l. of vodka.
  3. Insist 7 days.
  4. The strain.

Take the tincture twice a day, in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. The dose for adults — 15 drops. There are recipes of the more low — tincture 1 part herb to take 10 parts of alcohol. But there are also recipes which take from 50 to 100 g herb in half a litre of alcohol. It is a strong tincture that you can take 3 drops. In order to avoid the overdose and poisoning, it is necessary to pay attention to these recipes.


Often recommended to take the powder of wormwood and drink the water. The powder is slower through all the divisions of the intestine, its effects on earthworms more effectively. To banish the ascaris and pinworms recommend using the powdered seeds of artemisia Cina. What is the treatment?

  • On a course of treatment, it will take 100 g of powder of grass.
  • The first 3 days of the powder drink 6 times a day, a teaspoon incomplete.
  • More away the grass to take 4 times per day at the same dose.
  • A 7-day treatment.

Similar to a cleansing of the body, you can go for prophylactic purposes, but not more than twice a year. Also recommended in the treatment period of enema of the absinthe.

The russians, the triad"

A lot of positive comments on the method of "Russian troika" (on Ivanchenko) against the parasites, when to take a mixture of powdered sage, tansy and cloves. What is the method?

Preparation of the mixture:

  1. Take 100 of powdered tansy.
  2. Add 50 g of powder of cloves and 30 g of powder of wormwood.
  3. Mix.
  4. Store the mixture in a jar closed.

The medication according to this scheme:

  • first day: the first dose (1 tablespoon without water slide) drink in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast;
  • second day: 1 tablespoon of powder in the morning and afternoon 30 minutes before meals;
  • the third, and the follow-up days: in the same dosage — in the morning, at lunch, in the evening.

The treatment is designed for 7 days.

It is important to know that during the cleaning of the organism against parasites may aggravate chronic diseases, appear weakness, nausea, dizziness, disorders of the digestion. If you experience any of these symptoms should consult a doctor.

The sagebrush of earthworms is an effective in ascariasis, the enterobiasis, the giardiasee, opistorhoze. But to apply yourself to the cause of the toxicity is not recommended. The grass is strictly against-indicated during pregnancy. The application of this vermifuge tools in children without a doctor's prescription non-smokers!