Parasites in the human body: the symptoms

The human body is an excellent habitat for many micro-organisms. Mites, bacteria, helminths found their refuge here.

An enabling environment, adequate solutions to micronutrient constantly to feed them and contribute to the multiplication. Some even do not indicate the presence of parasites in the body. Others are life-threatening.


The pathogens can live?

Giardia, helminthes, pinworm, tapeworm, liver fluke echinostoma. Signs of infestation of parasites virtually all similar. Regardless of what pathogen in the body.

The main signs of the presence of parasites in the body of man is the nausea and malaise, a sensation of tickling in the anus, allergic skin rashes.

Many developed diarrhea alternating with constipation, people naively believe that they just have a problem with the digestive tract.

You experience a throbbing pain in the muscles, muscle soreness, fever, weight loss, loss of appetite. Here are the first symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body.

If in the gut hit the giardia, often their appearance unnoticed. Signs of parasites in the body of the man will be long absent. None of the changes are internal or external.

Contract they can be simply, do not wash as it should be vegetables or fruit. Are classified as protozoa, class flagellates. Spread over vgtatif the form and the cyst. The last plunges of the embryo in the protective membrane that aggressive protect against impact factors. They are very small in size, visible only under the microscope.

The signs of parasites in children in the acute form of diarrhea, and low grade fever.

Ancylostoma has the signs of the presence of worms, parasites in the human body: the rash on the legs, the irritation. Catch, you can simply walk on the earth, without shoes. If the microbe will make the way inside, it spreads and acts like worms.

Tsepen wave or pork meet in the meat. It is to eat poorly cooked product. It is dangerous because in penetrating into the body can penetrate into the brain or the eyes. Taenia live up to 20 years. Reach several meters in length.

The most common parasites

All of the above emphasize that the helminths. It is they, more often pick up the children and the adults. Above all, it is a disease widespread among children of preschool age.

Officially reported in the world up to 140 million infected individuals.

In the external environment of the eggs protected by a shell. Thus, the livelihoods of embryos is 45 days. At this time, they are not afraid of the cold, temperature changes, uv radiation, humidity. Especially love to exist in the soil.

The lack of diligence on the hygiene washing hands is the pretext for the development of the infection. The individual arrives as female and male.

Once in the body of the eggs start to turn into larvae, or the larvae relieve his shell and juts into the abdominal cavity. There already reach sexual maturity. The female brings in the night up to 200 thousand eggs. In the length of nematodes grow up to 40 centimeters.

The more often live in the gut, but can travel in the lungs, gallbladder, liver, eyes, brain, blood vessels. The penetration in the gallbladder to the large amount leads to an obstruction of the biliary tract. In the liver, the nematodes do not live long and die.

The infection occurs?

parasites in the human

The main routes of entry to are:

  1. the consumption of dirty water and bathing in the polluted water, the lakes;
  2. raw tap water;
  3. without washing the vegetables and fruits;
  4. dirty hands;
  5. contact with infected animals;

Hitting in the stomach of an infestation, the first days are not. 5 to 7 days, they begin to breed. Walking inside and being fixed on the mucosa of the intestine.

Then, are transported by the blood flow through the vessels and the circulatory system. A new infection occurs when the larvae are carried up to the throat.

When a person eats, he returns in tract. Following the nematodes come out of the anus natural reason of the evacuation. But you can see it in kalovyh weights.

The signs

The disease exists in the acute form and is continuous. In the initial phase of the signs of the presence of parasites in the body are the following:

  1. a temperature increase, sometimes up to 39 degrees;
  2. body aches and muscle pain;
  3. deteriorated the motor function of the stomach, diarrhea, and constipation;
  4. an eruption on the skin;
  5. insomnia and headaches;
  6. a feeling of discomfort in the anus;

In the terminal phase of the helminth infection the symptoms of the presence of the man disappear. The temperature is low-grade. Sometimes people think that in the body, everything is back to normal and they go to the amendment. However, this is not the case.

Infestations damage the internal organs, biting the digestive tract, open bleeding. Form cysts in various organs. The obstruction of the ducts of the gall bladder sometimes causes a necrosis of the liver.

If the parasites in the body exist for a long time, it is not good, in some cases, leading to death have been reported.

How to determine the presence of parasites in the bodies of women and men?

The fact that the degradation products of pinworms have different effects on women and the body of the man.

In women, the early indicators are:

  1. tiredness, fatigue and weakness;
  2. the pain on the part of the ovary and the abdomen;
  3. the failure of the menstrual cycle, sometimes with the increase in the number of days of menstruation;
  4. the integrity problems of the bladder, kidney,
  5. ademia of the kidneys;
  6. monthly become painful;
  7. develops fibroid and cyst in the mammary glands;

To the list of what has been presented would like to add an increase in the amount of beloeil, the increase of nervousness, and the decline of immunity. The men complain mostly about the difficulties urinary, cystitis, adenoma of the prostate, the emergence of snoring, the stones, the sand in the kidneys.

Other forms of to

We have learned what are the signs are opportunities to verify the presence of bands, and protozoa. However, there are still some signals, diagnosis, and treatment.

Excess weight seems that parasitic pathogenic poisons the body stands out any harmful substances, and absorbs the glucose. An ambulance of the loss of pounds also speaks of the consumption of vitamins and nutrients.

The anemia or the anemia, by drawing on the useful elements of bacteria promote loss of blood. Signs of the presence of parasites in the bodies of the children most often gnashing of teeth. You will receive as a result of disorders of the nervous system. In oncology, the ruptures of these organs lead to inflammation. The body does not recover the damage caused to the tissues. The infection of the respiratory tract.

Parazitirujushchy worm infiltrating in the lungs is localized to the place and starts the reproduction. Coughs, colds, pneumonia and even asthma is the sign that the person is sick helminthiasis.

parasites in the body


Detection of the disease and the time to treatment will be able to:

  1. blood test;
  2. serological tests investigation;
  3. scatological method;
  4. the x-rays;
  5. the tomography;

The first one is good, which enables us to consider a microbe in the initial phase. The level of white blood cells on the indicators increases. Coprology is done on the basis of the levy of the patient. The smear microscopically examine on the larvae and eggs. However, the methods are not always reliable.

At a certain point, the worm has not the time to postpone the seed. Radiology is made on the case where individuals live in the respiratory tract. Infected is given a special tool, on the images of ascaris or tape visible white stripes.


As soon as have been taken for granted honey examination the doctor examines the data on the basis of their prescribed medication. Self-medication is not valid, because tighten the period of illness and prevents healing.

The course is individual, but primarily acute degree treated during the week, and the chronicle of 2-3 weeks. Then, you the rental of equipment each week.

After healing is worth to control the process of 3-5 months, in order to avoid the recurrence.

Wide application in practice, found the blocking means of the motility of the invasion. Effective against giardia, opisthorchiasis, organic de-wormer, tapeworm in the larval stage, the enterobiasis. Receive a time, which is convenient. Then, take more than 20 days.

Popular ways

As a wizard in the fight against the disease has strongly advocated the garlic. The action of vegetable due to the bactericidal properties and properties against intestinal worms. Use inside slows down the formation of the larvae.

Used as a tool of prevention, it is sufficient to eat 2 cloves a day.

For the expulsion bio helminth prepare garlic solution. It is necessary to leave the whole head in the boiling water of the night. After you have filtered through cheesecloth, resumed the enema. The content injected in the anus. Then, in a period of 3 days. Brings the effect and the flushing of the decoction of the plant with milk. Came from several large zubkov, filled with milk, cook until softening. The drug is filtered and compose them in the tank.

Injected into the anus. It is 5-6 days.

Another collaborator will be the onion. A large head, cut into rings, pour the vodka. Wait 10 days and take 1 tablespoon 2 times per day before meals.

The pumpkin seeds and mix with honey. Requires green seeds. On the portion you need 120 grams of seeds and 50 mils litres of honey. Eat 1 time in the morning on an empty stomach, to do the washing.

The grass to kill the aliens of the wormwood, tansy, reed, cornflower. On the drug, it will take 4 table spoons of each. Filled with boiling water, leave overnight. Filter and drink 1 tablespoon twice a day for 10 days.



Clinging to rules, we can protect ourselves from infection. It is necessary to avoid contact with the sick. Always wash hands before eating and after walking. Treat the hands after the games with the pets and teach their children.

Wash fruits, vegetables in running water. Do not drink water from wells, lakes and reservoirs. Do not drink unboiled water, boil it. Always pay careful attention to heat treatment of products, fish, meat. Refrain from shopping in the places.